Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Script for OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request

[Updated for bugfix 20080722] If you're like me, you need a new SSL Certificate about once a year. You know what to do:
  1. Generate a "Certificate Signing Request" and a key
  2. Send the CSR to your Certificate Authority for signing
  3. Wait for the signed Certificate to come back from the CA
  4. Put the key and the Certificate where your web, email, or other server can find them

I always have to look up the right openssl(1) command line arguments.

This year, I decided to make a script. This script takes an optional argument, the host for which you're making the certificate. I suggest generating the Certificate on the target host, but if you feel bold you can make a CSR for any host you want.

# Shell script to automate making
# Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)
# with openssl
# tested on v 0.9.8e
# Loren Heal

echodo() {
echo "${@}"

yearmon() {
date '+%Y%m%d'

fqdn() {
(nslookup ${1} 2>&1 || echo Name ${1}) \
| tail -3 | grep Name| sed -e 's,.*e:[ \t]*,,'

O="Your Company or Whatever"
OU="Your Office or Department or Whatever"
CN=`fqdn $HOST`


openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout $key \
-nodes -out $csr <<EOF
echo ""

[ -f ${csr} ] && echodo openssl req -text -noout -in ${csr}
echo ""

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